Development Environments

Vesta provides sandbox and production environments for developing, testing and deploying your application. Use the appropriate URLs for your application based on your region and development status. This page lists URLs for sandbox and production environments for APAC (Asia-Pacific) and non-APAC regions.

Each of Vesta’s services uses different URLs. Be sure to copy the correct URL for the service that you are implementing.

Non-APAC Regions

Use the URLs listed below for applications that run outside of the APAC region.

Behavioral Data Collector

The Data Collector JavaScript extension is hosted at

It includes the following development environments:

  • Production - Access the Data Collector production environment using a production-specific user name and password and setting sandboxEnabled to false when you call the initializeDataCollectorService() function.
  • Sandbox - Initialize the sandbox environment during integration by using your sandbox-specific user name and password and setting sandboxEnabled to true when you call the initializeDataCollectorService() function.

See the Android and iOS Integration Guides for details.


The VestaJS SDK is hosted at It includes the following development environments:

  • Production - VestaJS targets the production environment by default.
  • Sandbox - Use the setTransactionUrls() function to configure VestaJS to target the sandbox endpoints of the Vesta API. See the Enable the Sandbox Environment section of the JavaScript Integration Guide for details.


All requests to the Vesta Platform REST API use the same base path:

The REST API offers both production and sandbox environments:

  • Production - Use the production endpoints defined in the API reference.

  • Sandbox - Sandbox endpoints append /sandbox to the end of the the resource path, before the operation name and any query parametere. For example:

    • Production Transaction Evaluation - /api/v1/transactions/evaluate/{transactionId}
    • Sandbox Transaction Evaluation - /api/v1/transactions/sandbox/evaluate/{transactionId}

    The sandbox URLs are defined in the API reference.

APAC Regions

Use the URLs listed below for applications that run in the APAC region.

Behavioral Data Collector

The Data Collector JavaScript extension is hosted at

It includes the following development environments:

  • Production - Access the Data Collector production environment using a production-specific user name and password and setting sandboxEnabled to false when you call the initializeDataCollectorService() function.
  • Sandbox - Initialize the sandbox environment during integration by using your sandbox-specific user name and password and setting sandboxEnabled to true when you call the initializeDataCollectorService() function.

See the Android and iOS Integration Guides for details.


The VestaJS SDK is hosted at It includes the following development environments:

  • Production - VestaJS targets the production environment by default.
  • Sandbox - Use the setTransactionUrls() function to configure VestaJS to target the sandbox endpoints of the Vesta API. See the Enable the Sandbox Environment section of the JavaScript Integration Guide for details.


All requests to the Vesta Platform REST API use the same base path:

The REST API offers both production and sandbox environments:

  • Production - Use the production endpoints defined in the API reference.

  • Sandbox - Sandbox endpoints append /sandbox to the end of the the resource path, before the operation name and any query parametere. For example:

    • Production Transaction Evaluation - /api/v1/transactions/evaluate/{transactionId}
    • Sandbox Transaction Evaluation - /api/v1/transactions/sandbox/evaluate/{transactionId}

    The sandbox URLs are defined in the API reference.